Historic Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ
Hybrid Church…The Church without Barriers
Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor
Video Conference: www.zoom.us Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010
Visit the Calvary Hill website at www.calvaryhillcogic.com
Adding * Building * Celebrating
Sunday Worship Service
July 9, 2023 * 9:30 AM
Order of Service
Deacon Chad Fields, Facilitator
Worship Song Led by Choir..…………………… “Come On and Bless the Lord with Me”
Introduction to Church and Welcome………………………. Facilitator
Opening Prayer……………………………………………………… Deacon John Smith
Worship Song Led by Choir….....……………………………… “Immanuel”
Message Text: Psalm 23:4b………….………………………… Minister Gerald Stokley
Psalm 23:4b, NKJV, “…Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”
Sermonic Selection……………………………………………….. Sister Juanita Mason
Spoken Word:
“”Immanuel: His Rod and His Staff of Comfort”………. Pastor Ernest L. Fields
Altar Appeal…………….…………………………………………… Corporate Supplication
Ministry of Giving
-Offering Prayer …………………………………….. Deacon Macio Singletary
-How to Give………………………………………….. Sister Marka Fields
1. By check or money order forwarded to P.O. Box 22132, Beachwood, OH 44122-9998
2. By Givelify: download app & and give to Calvary Hill stewardship fund of your choice.
Announcements…………………………………………………….. Sister Kimberly Smith
Closing Remarks and Benediction……….………………….. Pastor Ernest L. Fields
Doxology……………………………………………………………….. All Worship
Sunday School - Sup’t Betty Coleman
Tuesday Please tune in to the Zoom Communications Platform for our weekly corporate prayer each Tuesday at 7 PM. This impactful prayer meeting is for everyone. Nothing is too hard for God.
Friday Quarterly Sunday School lesson review will resume in place of the usual Biblestudy session. Access details for Tuesday and Friday are the same as for today’s worship service. Tune in and find yourself blessed, stronger and more spiritually fruitful through the power of understanding God’s Word..
Sunday Sunday School is immediately after Sunday morning worship service. All who can read or listen are welcome, no matter what your age is. Youth classes are on Sunday once again. Today: There will be a brief meeting for everyone who would like to serve on the Pastoral Anniversary Celebration Committee immediately following Sunday School.Note: On Sunday, July 16th, there will be a full church business meeting during the usual Sunday School timeslot, immediately following morning worship.
July 23rd: FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH, Men in Black II 2023, 3 pm at Messiah Ministries, 9009 Wade Park Avenue in Cleveland, Pastor Justine Gates Lockwood
July 25th: ONFJ Christmas in July for youth in the foster care system.
July 25th: ONFJ Townhall Meeting
July 26-29: Please register to support the ON/fJ Holy Convocation 2023. Registration is only $20. Pentecostal District is one of the lead districts on July 26th. Women’s Night Service is Thursday. Official Day is Saturday morning. Additional info is detailed on the ONFJ website: ohionorthcogic.org.