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4/19/22- Tuesday Night Prayer Agenda

Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ

Online Church…The Church without Walls

Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor

Tuesday Night Virtual Only Prayer Meeting* 7 – 8 pm * April 19, 2022

Video Conference: * Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode 832010

-Praise Reports

-Opening Prayer – Sister Karen

-Scripture: Psalm 37:3, “Trust in the LORD, and do good. Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.”

-Thank God for the safe return of saints into the building for service. (All pray.)

Seek the Face of God

  1. Prayer of honor to Almighty God. Sister Juanita

  2. That those who are able will return to the service as we take the proper protocol and trust God for His protection. Sister Yvette

  3. Thank God for the ability to have online service and trust Him as we learn things to improve. Sister Pat

  4. For new and old members from the community to know that the church is open and that they will attend service. Sister Kathy

  5. That we will have more people willing to work in the church to enhance the quality of our service, fellowship, and worship experience. First Lady Iris

  6. For unexpected financial and material blessings to shower on and flow to those who sow into Calvary Hill ministry so much so that tithes and offerings will surge above and beyond recent trends and that the church will have more than enough to move forward with restoration with deliberate speed. Sister Patrice

  7. For unshackling for those who don’t know the liberty that comes with salvation by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, healing and deliverance for the sick, and comfort for those who mourn. Sister Betty

  8. Pray that we will be delivered from wicked and evil people, that the Lord direct our hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. Sister Nikki

  9. For the Lord of the harvest to draw and send workers and laborers into the vineyard and that hearts of all ministry workers will be encouraged and they will be strengthened in every good deed and word. Pastor Fields

-For Jerusalem. Sister Rece


-Prayer of Care – For caregivers, those who receive care, their support networks, and their families. (All pray.)

Prayer requests: please say it and pray it or say “pray for me.”

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-Benediction --Pastor Fields

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