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5/15/22- Sunday Service Agenda

Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ

Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor

Video Conference:

Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010

Visit the Calvary Hill website at

Adding * Building * Celebrating

Sunday Worship

May 15, 2022 * 9:30 AM

Order of Service

Deacon Macio Singletary, Facilitator

​Musical Prelude/ Intro

Music Ministry

Introduction to Church and Welcome


Opening Prayer

Deacon Macio Singletary

Musical Selection

Calvary Hill Choir


Mother Mary Ellen Penn

Ministry of Giving

Offering Prayer

Brother John Smith

How to Give

Sister Marka Fields

Message Text

Sister Kathy Williams

Sermonic Selection

Mother Mary Ellen Penn

Spoken Word

Pastor Ernest L. Fields

Prayer for Discipleship

Corporate Supplication

Closing Remarks and Benediction

Pastor Ernest L. Fields

Musical Recession

Music Ministry


Sunday School – Sup’t Betty Coleman



Monday The Pentecostal District Prayer Call will convene from 7:30-8 pm on the No Cost Conference Communications Platform. The call in number is 712-432-3900, access code 479637#. The meeting will include prayer and briefings about the April 30th women’s meeting called by Jurisdictional Bishop Edward T. Cook. The meeting of ONFJ (Ohio North First Jurisdiction) women from across the state of Ohio was held in Mansfield.

Tuesday Tuesday Night Zoom Prayer Meeting from 7- 8 pm. Video conference; conference call: 1-301-715-8592, meeting id 83112156314; access code 832010. This meaningful corporate prayer is for everyone.

Friday This week, Biblestudy will convene at 7 PM on the Zoom Communications Platform, the same platform as we use on Sundays. We will continue our exploration of the Bible. Tune in and be blessed.

Sunday Sunday School for adults will convene immediately following morning worship. You may contact Superintendent Betty Coleman for details about youth classes and other Sunday School happenings at 216-240-1727.

The Nehemiah Project: The Comprehensive Community Cleanup will take place on Saturday, May 21st from 10 am to 2 pm. Interested in volunteering? Contact Pastor Fields at 216-402-1818. Participants might be asked to volunteer in Zones where more participants are needed. Tee-shirts, reflective vests, and cleaning equipment will be provided at each of the stations. These are the fives zones and their stations for assignments and equipment pickup that make up cleanup areas:

  • Zone 1- Shaker Blvd. to Crestwood Ave (South to North): Woodhill Rd. to East 110th St. (West to East). Sign-in and equipment pickup: pocket park at 10605 Hulda Ave.

  • Zone 2- Shaker Blvd. to Lamontier Ave. (North to South); East 93rd St to East 110th Street (West to East). Sign-in and equipment pickup: Morning Star Baptist Church parking lot at 10197 Buckeye Rd.

  • Zone 3- Shaker Blvd to Forest Ave (West to East); East 110 Street to 116th St. (West to East). Sign-in and equipment pickup: Buckeye Plaza front lot, 11301 -11501 Buckeye Rd.

  • Zone 4- Shaker Blvd to north side of Buckeye Rd. (North to South); East 116th Stj. To Moreland Ave. (West to East). Sign-in and equipment pickup: Holy Grove Missionary Baptist Church parking lot, 2844 East 130th Street.

  • Zone 5– East 116th Street to Moreland Ave. (West to East); south side of Buckeye Road to Forest Ave. (North to South). Sign-in and equipment pickup: The Meeting Place, 12201 Buckeye Rd.

Wrap up and celebration will take place at the conclusion of the cleanup. We will gather for a short time at Buckeye Plaza for food, celebration, and next steps.


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