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7/24- Sunday service Agenda

Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ

Hybrid Church…The Church without Barriers

Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor

Video Conference: Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010

Visit the Calvary Hill website at

Adding * Building * Celebrating

Sunday Worship Service

July 24, 2022 * 9:30 AM

Order of Service

Deacon Macio Singletary, Facilitator

Worship Song Led by Choir

"You're Worthy to Be Praised"

Introduction to Church and Welcome


Opening Prayer

Mother Mary Ellen Penn

Worship Song Led by Choir

"My God is Awesome"


Sister Juanita Mason

Ministry of Giving

Offering Prayer

Deacon Macio Singletary

How to Give

Sister Marka Fields

Message Text: Ephesians 1:3-6; 1 Corinthians 6:20; John 15:7-8

Brother George Sanders

Sermonic Selection

Sister Maggie Pettigrew

Spoken Word: "Designed for God's Glory"

Pastor Ernest L. Fields

Prayer for Discipleship

All Pray

Closing Remarks and Benediction

Pastor Ernest L. Fields


All Worship

Sunday School - Sup’t Betty Coleman



Tuesday Please tune in to the Zoom Communications Platform for our weekly corporate prayer each Tuesday at 7 PM. Access details are the same as used for today. This impactful prayer meeting is for everyone. Nothing is too hard for God.

Wednesday Choir rehearsal will be held at 7 pm in the home of Pastor and First Lady Fields. For more details contact Sister Juanita Mason at 216-831-5431.

Friday This week’s Bible study session will convene at 7 pm on Zoom. Access details are the same as for today’s worship service. Tune in and be transformed by the renewing of your mind, eliminate the vestiges of ignorance and misunderstanding of God’s truth in your own way of thinking.

Sunday Sunday School is immediately after Sunday morning worship service. All who can read or listen are welcome, no matter what your age is. Youth classes are on Sunday once again. You may contact Superintendent Betty Coleman for details about Sunday School happenings at 216-240-1727.

Sister Yvette Stephens invites parties of all ages who are interested in becoming an Usher or Doorkeeper in the house of the Lord to contact her. She can be reached in person, or by voice/text at 216-910-8361.

Save the date:

August 25-27 The Ohio North Holy Convocation 2022 Hybrid Edition will be held in Columbus, Ohio. Services will be held at New Covenant Believers’ Church located at 3400 Kohr Blvd. in Columbus. Women’s Night Worship Service starts at 7:30 pm on Friday and Official Day Worship Service will begin at 11 am on Saturday. Registration is only $20; payable online. COVID Protocol: Only registered delegates will be admitted onsite. Those attending must arrive 1 hour prior to each worship service to complete COVID screening requirements. Masks and physical distancing are mandatory. Go to the Ohio North First Jurisdiction (ONFJ) website for more information at

Sunday, July 31st is Youth Sunday! Get ready to be blessed in a very special way. Please continue to pray for the young people. We want the Lord to bless each one according to His plan.

Sunday, September 18th is the date we will appreciate and celebrate the pastoral service rendered by Pastor Ernest and First Lady Iris Fields at Calvary Hill since 1988. There will be no other churches invited to attend the main campus sanctuary celebration and no ginormous feast or food served onsite in light of the continuing COVID pandemic. The celebration will begin at 9:30 am and take the time slot of our regular service and Sunday School. Even if you cannot stay from beginning to end--those who can and will--please plan to be in attendance, whether online or in person. Please contact Sister Juanita Mason at 216-831-5431 if you would like to serve on the 2022 Celebration Day committee. Our meetings will be in the form of a conference call. A committee meeting will convene on Saturday, July 23rd at 2 pm on the No Cost Conference Call Communications Platform, 425-436-6342, access code 353180#. More details will follow.


Congregational Songs Led by Choir – July 24th

Hallelujah, You’re Worthy to Be Praised by Dr. Judith McCallister

Hallelujah, You’re worthy to be praised. (4x)

I lift my hands; I praise you, Lord…I bow my head, I honor You, Lord. (2x)

Hallelujah, You’re worthy to be praised.

Hallelujah, You’re worthy!

Hallelujah, we praise Your name.

Hallelujah, You’re worthy!

Hallelujah…Lord, we lift You up…Lord we lift You up!

My God Is Awesome by Charles Jenkins

My God is awesome; He can move mountains

Keep me in the valley; Hide me from the rain.

My God is awesome, heals me when I’m broken,

Strength where I’ve been weakened; forever He will reign.

(Repeat above 4 lines.)

My God is awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome. (Say 2x)

My God is awesome, Savior of the whole world;

Giver of salvation, By His stripes I am healed.

My God is awesome; today I am forgiven;

His grace is why I’m living, praise His holy name.

My God is awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome. (Say 2x)

He’s mighty, He’s mighty, He’s mighty, He’s mighty ; Awesome, awesome.

He’s holy, He’s holy, He’s holy, He’s holy; Awesome, awesome.

He’s great, He’s great, He’s great, He’s great; Awesome, awesome.

Deliverer, Deliverer, Deliverer, Deliverer; Awesome, awesome.

Provider, Provider, Provider, Provider, Provider; Awesome, awesome.

Protector, Protector, Protector, Protector, Protector; Awesome, awesome.

My God is awesome; He can move mountains

Keep me in the valley; Hide me from the rain.

My God is awesome, heals me when I’m broken,

Strength where I’ve been weakened; praise His holy name.

Doxology – Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (author unknown)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise Him all creatures here below.

Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

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