Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ
Hybrid Church…The Church without Barriers
Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor
Video Conference: Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010
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Adding * Building * Celebrating
Sunday Worship Service
August 14, 2022 * 9:30 AM
Order of Service
Deacon Chad Fields, Facilitator
Worship Song Led by Choir | "You Deserve It" |
Introduction to Church and Welcome | Facilitator |
Opening Prayer | Sister Maggie Pettigrew |
Worship Song Led by Choir | "Faithful is our God" |
Announcements | Sister Juanita Mason |
Ministry of Giving | |
Offering Prayer | Deacon John Smith |
How to Give | Sister Marka Fields |
Message Text: Isaiah 7:8-10, 7:10-14; Romans 1:18-22 | Deacon Macio Singletary |
Sermonic Selection | Sister Juanita Mason |
Spoken Word: "Facing Truth" | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Prayer for Discipleship | Corporate Supplication |
Closing Remarks and Benediction | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Doxology | All Worship |
Sunday School - Sup’t Betty Coleman
Monday The Pentecostal District Prayer Call will convene 7:30-8 pm on August 15th. The call will take place on the No Cost Conference Call Communications Platform. The call in number is 712-432-3900 and the access code is 479637#. We will pray on behalf of youth. Please tune in; our prayer is needed. God is able!
Tuesday Please tune in to the Zoom Communications Platform for our weekly corporate prayer each Tuesday at 7 PM. Access details are the same as used for today. This impactful prayer meeting is for everyone. Nothing is too hard for God.
Friday This week’s Biblestudy session will convene at 7 pm on Zoom. Access details are the same as for today’s worship service. Tune in and be blessed, blessed, blessed!
Sunday Sunday School is immediately after Sunday morning worship service. All who can read or listen are welcome. Youth classes are on Sunday once again.
Save the date:
August 25-27 The Ohio North Holy Convocation 2022 Hybrid Edition will be held in Columbus, Ohio. Services will be held at New Covenant Believers’ Church located at 3400 Kohr Blvd. in Columbus. Women’s Night Worship Service starts at 7:30 pm on Friday and Official Day Worship Service will begin at 11 am on Saturday. Registration is only $20; payable online. Go to the Ohio North First Jurisdiction (ONFJ) website for more information at
Sunday, September 18th is the date we will appreciate and celebrate the pastoral service rendered by Pastor Ernest and First Lady Iris Fields at Calvary Hill since 1988. The celebration will begin at 9:30 am and take the time slot of our regular service and Sunday School. Please contact Sister Juanita Mason at 216-831-5431 if you would like to serve on the 2022 Celebration Day committee.
Congregational Worship Songs Led by Choir – August 14, 2022
You Deserve It by J.J. Hairston
My hallelujahs belong to You; my hallelujahs belong to You. (2x)
You deserve it; You deserve it; You deserve it; You deserve it!
All of the glory belongs to You; all of the glory belongs to You. (2x)
You deserve it; You deserve it; You deserve it; You deserve it!
All of my worship belongs to You; all of my worship belongs to You. (2x)
Lord, You’re worthy; Lord,You’re worthy; Lord, You’re worthy; Lord,You’re worthy!
Faithful Is Our God by Hezekiah Walker
Faithful…faithful, faithful is our God (4x).
Chorus: I’m reaping the harvest God promised me;
Take back what the devil stole from me;
And I rejoice today…for I shall recover it all.
Holy…holy, holy is our God (4x).
Righteous…righteous, righteous is our God (4x).
Awesome…awesome, awesome is our God (4x).
Doxology – Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (author unknown)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.