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9/6- Tuesday Night Prayer Agenda

Tuesday Night Virtual Only Prayer Meeting Agenda

* 7-8 pm *

September 6, 2022

-Praise Reports

-Opening Prayer – Sister Nikki

-Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:8, “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

-Thank God for His patience and great mercy toward us. (All pray.)

Seek the Face of God

  1. For God to help us bear good fruit. Sister Pat

  2. For each of us to use whatever gift we have received to serve others. Sister Karen

  3. That we will be faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. Sister Juanita

  4. That we will love each other equally, regardless to our differences. Sister Yvette

  5. For we wait for the revelation of God, even if it seems to be delayed. First Lady Iris

  6. For Jerusalem. (All pray.)

  7. That our “away-team” members will not neglect to fellowship with the Body of Christ and seek God’s guidance for godly friends & a godly mentor. Sister Shuronda

  8. That we yield to God when He challenges our plans and alters the trajectory of our life. Sis. Maggie

  9. That we would discern when our priorities are unbalanced and when we work at an unhealthy or unbiblical pace. Sister Rece

  10. That believers would be diligent in all we do, living productive lives and doing everything for the glory and approval of God. Pastor Irwin

  11. That believers will operate in a “God-first” mentality with God’s guidance and strength. Sister Patrice

  12. For those who are sick and those who mourn. Sister Kathy

  13. That we consider how to encourage and provoke one another to love and good works, and that we will abound in every good work. Pastor Fields

  14. Open mic for individual requests for healing, deliverance and other matters.

(Say it and pray it or ask that someone else pray.)




-Prayer of Care – For those who are headed in the wrong direction and those on the path to destruction.

-Benediction --Pastor Fields

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